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Centrallix Documentation
1. Getting Started
2. Applications Overview
3. Application Components
4. Reports Overview
5. Report Components
6. SQL Language
7. Process Modeling
8. Application Modeling
9. Role-Based Security
10. Business Logic Modeling
11. Other Objects
12. External API's
13. Internal API's

6.8.4 Date and Time Functions

Date and Time Functions:

dateadd(p,i,d)Adds a time interval to the given datetime value d. p can be "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", or "second". i is the number of years/months/etc to add to the datetime value d (or, if negative, to subtract from the datetime value d).Sybase/MSSQL. MySQL has a different parameter order.
datediff(p,d1,d2)Returns the difference between two date/time values (d2-d1), in terms of the units specified by p. p can be "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", or "second".Sybase/MSSQL. MySQL uses timestampdiff().
datepart(p,d)Returns one integer part of a datetime value d. p can be "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", or "second". Year values are always 4-digit. Month and Day values always start at 1; Hour, Minute, and Second values always start at 0. Hours are returned in 24-hour format (0 = midnight, 23 = 11pm).Sybase/MSSQL. MySQL uses day(), month(), year(), etc.
getdate()Returns the current date/time value.Sybase/MSSQL. MySQL uses now().


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